Organisations and enterprises

Organisations and enterprises

Contribute your scientific or professional expertise. Contribute to the funding, operability and applicability of SANBA research.
The SANBA metaprogramme does not constitute an additional source of funding but is a management tool designed to “go beyond” the work of standard programmes. In order to foster interdisciplinarity, some of the metaprogramme’s actions are open to organisations and enterprises.

Become a partner in projects or consortia


Using your own funding, you can participate in projects supported by the metaprogramme.

The metaprogramme supports two types of project:

  • Exploratory projects: innovative, interdisciplinary and potentially risky (with few or no preliminary results).  Duration: two years. Go to current projects
  • Emblematic projects: jointly constructed on a general theme proposed by the COPIL: maximum duration of four years. Go to current emblematic projects

If you see a theme that interests you, please contact the project coordinator directly to find out whether the project is open to organisations and enterprises.

You can also jointly construct and submit with scientists from the SANBA community, research projects receiving funding from various sources.

Multi-actor consortia

You can take part in consortia that are open to non-academic participants.

The aim of these consortia is to encourage, support and accompany scientific communities or networks linked to the field covered by the metaprogramme. They must produce at least one previously identified deliverable: compilation/organisation of a project, planning/organisation of a seminar/workshop, production of a publication or position paper, etc.

If you see a theme that interests you, please contact the project coordinator directly to find out whether the project is open to organisations and enterprises.

Joint funding and joint supervision of PhD projects:

The joint funding of one or two half-grants for PhD students is attributed each year by INRAE on a subject linked to the themes of the metaprogramme. You can participate by jointly supervising and jointly funding (half-grant) a PhD project on a subject covered by the scope of the SANBA metaprogramme. 

  • Procedure:

Applications for joint funding with SANBA must be made in the autumn by the scientist, according to the current internal INRAE procedure.

  • Usual INRAE timetable for submissions:
    • Autumn year N: submission of application to the metaprogramme by the INRAE scientist,
    • Early year N+1: decision by the SANBA Management Committee,
    • During year N+1: search for external joint funding (half-grant) by the supervising scientist,
    • Autumn year N+1 – early year N+2: recruitment of candidates.
  • Go to current PhD projects subjects


Receive information

  • SANBA publishes a Newsletter (SANBA-News) that is open to all and provides recent news on the metaprogramme and animal health and welfare at both the national level and worldwide.
  • To subscribe/unsubscribe: send an email to the Management Unit.


Participate in and contribute to different scientific events

See also

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 26 February 2021 | By: Com