Livestock farming and society

Livestock farming and society

Area 4. Study of the relationships between livestock farming and society with respect to health and welfare

Research questions

  • To support the emergence of solutions that favour transitions towards new livestock systems that take into account the challenges of welfare and health.
  • To design projects on a production sector or a livestock system for which societal questions, regarding the challenges of welfare and health, are particularly significant. One of the goals will be to analyse the societal controversies regarding the acceptability of livestock farming and meat consumption, public policies in favour of agroecological transition and the adoption of new livestock systems. 
  • The projets may include scientists from different disciplines as well as stakeholders : main actors of the sector, representatives of the civil society and decision-makers (ex : from the Ministry of Agriculture).

In this folder

photo institution crosbanim
[Project] : This project will produce knowledge on the institutional conditions for the coexistence or hybridisation of animal health and welfare. It will also provide a basis for future-oriented thinking on interdisciplinary research in the animal sciences and the humanities and social sciences, and more broadly on the future of livestock farming in our societies up to 2050
photo moutons
[Project] : The project proposes four case studies designed to explore and describe the ways in which animals leave work, leading to a more general understanding of the underlying socio-technical mechanisms.
photo bovin
[PhD project]. Financing : 50% INRAE (MP-SANBA), 50% projet I-SITE CAP 2025. PhD student : Philippine COEUGNET
photo Panorama INRAE
[Flagship project] : the PANORAMA project concerns species that are mainly reared in confinement

Modification date: 01 August 2023 | Publication date: 26 February 2021 | By: Com