Exploratory projects

Our actions: exploratory projects

Acronym & project title


Head researcher(s)

BEPPI (Pig welfare and Immune Programming: determination and exploration of metabolic and epigenetic mechanisms)


MERLOT, Elodie

CROSBANIM (Towards the crossover institutionalisation of Animal Health and Welfare)


DORE, Antoine

EXIT (The fate of working animals and their health: slaughter, culling, retirement)


PORCHER, Jocelyne & CHARRIER, François

RED (Exploration of new Emotional Biomarkers in Hens: blushing and Immunoglobulin A)



SEBEA (Breeder Knowledge, Animal Welfare and Health)


HELLEC, Florence

ENRIFISH (An innovative environmental enrichment for the health and welfare of farmed trout)


COLSON, Violaine & COLLET, Bertrand

PIGLATE (PIGlet LATe wEaning)


Christelle KNUDSEN

PRENATODOR (Positive prenatal olfactory learning: a strategy to improve the welfare and health of pigs in conventional pig farming?)


Caroline CLOUARD

TRADE'OUT (Trade-off between immunocompetence, behaviour and production in laying hens raised with an outdoor access)



In this folder

photo porcelet
[Project] : Pig welfare and Immune Programming: determination and exploration of metabolic and epigenetic mechanisms
photo institution crosbanim
[Project] : This project will produce knowledge on the institutional conditions for the coexistence or hybridisation of animal health and welfare. It will also provide a basis for future-oriented thinking on interdisciplinary research in the animal sciences and the humanities and social sciences, and more broadly on the future of livestock farming in our societies up to 2050
Photo poule
[Projet] : Today, animal welfare is not simply restricted to ensuring adequate housing and food, good health, an absence of negative emotions and the presence of positive emotional states.
photo bovin
[Projet] : a number of studies are underway to design farming methods that encourage the young-adult bond. Among these, the rearing of calves by nurse cows is a ground-breaking innovation, developed and disseminated within socio-technical networks of grassland farmers.
photo moutons
[Project] : The project proposes four case studies designed to explore and describe the ways in which animals leave work, leading to a more general understanding of the underlying socio-technical mechanisms.
photo de truite
[Project] : to assess the effects of an innovative enrichment system involving the introduction of a pipe generating a curtain of bubbles into the tank from the earliest stages of life, since preliminary observations have shown that fish are attracted to areas where bubbles are diffused.
Photo porcelet
[Projet] : In animal husbandry, the term "weaning" is associated with the end of milk intake, and generally takes place at 21 or 28 days of age in conventional pig farming.
photo porcelet
[Project] : The PrenatOdor project aims to generate knowledge on the effectiveness of a strategy based on prenatal olfactory enrichment to improve animal health and welfare in livestock farming, using a multi-disciplinary approach combining ethology, immunology and epigenetics.
photo poule
[Projet] : Trade-off between immunocompetence, behaviour and production in laying hens raised with an outdoor access.
[Project] : Alternatives to artificial feeding in goat farms: effects on behaviour, the microbiota, health and milk quality
  • 1 (current)

Modification date: 29 February 2024 | Publication date: 26 February 2021 | By: Com