

Research initiatives
You will find below the research initiatives supported by Sanba and dealing with poultry (hens, chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.).

In this folder

Photo poule
[Projet] : Today, animal welfare is not simply restricted to ensuring adequate housing and food, good health, an absence of negative emotions and the presence of positive emotional states.
photo moutons
[Project] : The project proposes four case studies designed to explore and describe the ways in which animals leave work, leading to a more general understanding of the underlying socio-technical mechanisms.
illustration ordinateur
[Consortium] : Technological advances have greatly increased the potential to collect livestock data automatically and at high frequency, at different scales and ever-lower costs
Photo bovin
[Consortium] :New agro-ecological practices will significantly alter farming methods and lead to more rational use of medicinal and phytosanitary inputs, conditions which could potentially affect the health and well-being of the animals. Under these conditions, pro- and antioxidant mechanisms are central to the adaptation of animals to their environment.
photo poule
[Projet] : Trade-off between immunocompetence, behaviour and production in laying hens raised with an outdoor access.
photo cairns
[Consortium] : les compromis ont toujours été au cœur des décisions pour la construction et la gestion des systèmes d’élevage. Toutefois la santé et le bien-être des animaux ne sont pas systématiquement ou clairement identifiés comme facteurs pris en compte dans l’établissement de ces compromis. Dans le cadre de ce consortium, nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux effets de placer la santé et le bien-être comme une performance clé dans la conception des systèmes d’élevage, dans la construction de nouveaux compromis et à l’évolution des compromis existants.
photo Panorama INRAE
[Flagship project] : the PANORAMA project concerns species that are mainly reared in confinement
Photo poule
[Projet] : Today, animal welfare is not simply restricted to ensuring adequate housing and food, good health, an absence of negative emotions and the presence of positive emotional states.

Modification date: 01 August 2023 | Publication date: 19 April 2021 | By: Com