The territories and production sectors

The territories and production sectors

Area 3. Transition towards the organisation of territories and animal production sectors that can guarantee the health and welfare of animals throughout their lives

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Research questions

  • What are the technical and organizational innovations and coordination mechanisms that need to be implemented within animal production sectors and territories to ensure that they evolve towards better consideration of health and welfare throughout the lives of animals?
  • What are the social, legal, economic and institutional processes involved in the aim of placing health and welfare in the heart of priorities of production sectors and territories.
  • What is the impact of these changes to practices and organisation on all the pillars of sustainability (including ecosystem services, regional land use and development, employment)?

In this folder

photo institution crosbanim

[Project] : This project will produce knowledge on the institutional conditions for the coexistence or hybridisation of animal health and welfare. It will also provide a basis for future-oriented thinking on interdisciplinary research in the animal sciences and the humanities and social sciences, and more broadly on the future of livestock farming in our societies up to 2050

photo moutons

[Project] : The project proposes four case studies designed to explore and describe the ways in which animals leave work, leading to a more general understanding of the underlying socio-technical mechanisms.

photo bovin

[PhD project]. Financing : 50% INRAE (MP-SANBA), 50% projet I-SITE CAP 2025. PhD student : Philippine COEUGNET

photo Panorama INRAE

[Flagship project] : the PANORAMA project concerns species that are mainly reared in confinement

Photo poule

[Projet] : Today, animal welfare is not simply restricted to ensuring adequate housing and food, good health, an absence of negative emotions and the presence of positive emotional states.

[Project] : Alternatives to artificial feeding in goat farms: effects on behaviour, the microbiota, health and milk quality

Photo bovin

[PhD project]. Financing : 50% INRAE (MP-SANBA), 50% project I-SITE CAP 2025. PhD student : Larissa BILLAUDET