Photo bovin
SOSAgro - Consortium (2021-2022)

SOSAgro - Pro/Antioxidant status and Agroecological Systems

[Consortium] :New agro-ecological practices will significantly alter farming methods and lead to more rational use of medicinal and phytosanitary inputs, conditions which could potentially affect the health and well-being of the animals. Under these conditions, pro- and antioxidant mechanisms are central to the adaptation of animals to their environment.

Context and challenges


In recent years, the links between oxidative stress (OS) and animal health have been the focus of numerous research approaches, its control  by diet being the subject of several reviews on livestock. Studies to evaluate OS in farmed livestock have thus improved our understanding of certain metabolic disorders, but the data are still too scarce in most areas of animal production. The improvement of farmed livestock performance, the stressful conditions induced by climate change, and the use of raw materials or by-products with a variable composition have increased the risk of oxidative imbalance during critical phases of life: birth or hatching, weaning or dietary changes. Links between feed efficiency and the ability to respond to OS have also been demonstrated, suggesting a central role for OS in the sensitivity to certain dietary, physiological or health imbalances. New agroecological practices are likely to modify livestock management quite markedly: the diversity of rations (greater pasture diversity, use of by-products, etc.) and lead to a better managed use of medicinal or phytosanitary inputs, conditions that can potentially modify the health and welfare of livestock. Pro- and antioxidant mechanisms are central to the adaptation of animals to their environment. On the other hand, the antioxidant response capacities of animals may offer a lever to increase the development of agroecological practices. Thus taking into account pertinent indicators of pro- and antioxidant mechanisms and OS could enable the evaluation and modelling of the risks and benefits of agroecology with respect to the health, welfare and efficiency of farmed animals.


This consortium aims to initiate interdisciplinary and inter-species discussions in order to design management methods for livestock that respect agroecological systems, includinf animal health and welfare and that are based on developing new measurement tools and indicators, particularly to measure the oxidant/antioxidant status of animals. The targeted objective is that in the longer term, our exchanges and discussions will enable

  1. the development of a rapidly available network of interdisciplinary experts, and
  2. the proposal of research projects to develop innovative solutions according to an agroecological approach for future livestock systems that are acceptable to society.

Species concerned



To achieve these objectives, the consortium will involve research scientists, institutions and private firms to collaborate on building a network of skills ranging from fundamental research to the application of solutions in the field:

  • INRAE Joint Research Units that are leaders in the animal sciences and health (Animal Physiology and Livestock Systems (PHASE), Animal Genetics (GA) and Animal Health (SA) Divisions): Genetics, Physiology and Livestock Systems (GenPhySE), Biology of Birds and Poultry Management (BOA), Physiology, Environment and Genetics of Animals and Livestock Systems (PEGASE), Systemic Modelling Applied to Ruminants (MoSAR), Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animals (BIOEPAR), Herbivores, Pathogen/Host Interactions (IHAP), Reproductive and Behavioural Physiology (PRC), Nutrition, Metabolism and Aquaculture (NUMEA) and the Joint Technology Unit for the Management of Ruminant Health (UMT PSR).
  • Universities: Université Toulouse III (biostatistics, neuroscience), ESA Angers (Analysis of livestock systems), UniLaSalle (social and ethical acceptability, animal physiology)
  • Professionals: IDELE (ruminant management, UMT PSR), Solagro (Agroecological livestock systems), Phylum (expertise in animal health and welfare).


Contacts - coordinators :

See also

  • Download the project information sheet (forthcoming)

Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 15 June 2021 | By: Com